Walking in an Acceptable and Worthy Manner of God Audio Book divided into chapters.“Click on the title” of each of the chapters listed below to listen to their respective content.(Also available in text format ) 1. The Beneficial and Righteous Calling to Also Present Oneself Pleasingly or Acceptably to the Lord 2. Pleasing, Acceptable, and Worthy 3. Made Acceptable or Worthy to Present Oneself Acceptable or Worthy to God 4. Presenting Oneself Acceptably or Worthy to God After Being Made Acceptable or Worthy 5. The Sublime Perspective Evidenced Especially in the Calling to Walk Worthy of the Lord 6. Practical Postures that Accompany Presenting Oneself or Walking in an Acceptable or Worthy Manner of God 7. The Pleasant, Acceptable, or Worthy Manner of God Seen also from the Aspect of an Edification Worthy of the Lord